Revolutionary Honesty
This video is going to step on your toes. You may feel uncomfortable. You might not like it. But growth comes from opposition. So, if you...

WTF! Resist?
What the fuck What. The. fuck. Whaaaat am I even writing? Is this writing? Is spelling out WTF writing? OK. Breath. Don't check Facebook....

Color blindness and blindness are synonymous
As a young, black male living in the world, I am constantly reminded of my skin color. Whether it be the personal time I've taken to...

Like Nina Simone
This election wasn't the first time people threatened to leave the country if a particular political party came to power. It's a threat...

Remembering out loud
“He shot an unarmed kid” was the first comment I heard regarding the murder of Trayvon Martin. It was a discussion between two people at...