Auditioning While Black
Please prepare a 1-2 minute monologue In my acting experience, this is a phrase I’ve seen a countless number of times. I personally love...

Words Matter
Words matter. We are taught as children that our words matter, and words laced with anger, hate and jealousy cannot be taken back. We can...

Disney, Diversity, and Doing It Right
Over the last several years, many movements have started in online communities. From #OccupyWallSt to #MeToo, just about every...

I Am A Fugitive
Editor's note: This piece was written in response to George Floyd's murder. I am a fugitive. I am on the run. I hope my crime never...

A conversation about discrimination
How does the conversation of racial discrimination begin between parents and children? In our home it began when I heard my oldest...

Running the Marathon
Editor's Note: This blog is in response to the 2020 Echoes on air! Live Event, "How To Be A Good Ally" First, I want to thank the three...

What if there was no race?
Why do Black women marry white men? This question was asked to me back in 2011 by my, now ex-girlfriend’s landlord. At the time, I...

The Pandemic of Hate
The Pandemic of Hate in America continues in 2020 with no signs of mitigation. The words “pandemic” and “relief” are used with regularity...

Generations, A New View
Editor's note: Benjamin T. Lopez is the winner of the 2020 Echoes Media uSpeak Writing Contest. He is in the 9th grade at Forney High...

Memoirs of a Corporate O.G.
Scene: Everyday Corporate America (technically Canada in this instance, but same culture) I land in Toronto with my associate, Ron. Ron...